McHugh Tractors Ltd has vacancies for the following at Castle Ffrench, Ballinamore Bridge, Ballinasloe, Co Galway.
McHugh Tractors Ltd has vacancies for the following at Castle Ffrench, Ballinamore Bridge, Ballinasloe, Co Galway: Mechanics (2) duties - all diagnostics, servicing, maintenance & repair of tractors, plant & machinery. Salary €34k p.a. 39 hour week. 2 years experience. Welders (2) duties welding, metal fabrication and associated works related to the servicing, maintenance and repair of tractors, plant and machinery. Salary €34k p.a. 39 hour week. 2 years experience. CV’s to:
- Application deadline
- Location Ireland
- Contract Type Full time
- Payment rate Salary €34k
- Qualification required 2 years experience
- Company Name McHugh Tractors Ltd